
لبنان  ٤ حزيران ٢٠٢٤ 

قم بالدخول أو انشئ حساب شخصي لمتابعة مصادرك المفضلة

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لبنان  ٤ حزيران ٢٠٢٤ 

قم بالدخول أو انشئ حساب شخصي لمتابعة مصادرك المفضلة

ملاحظة: الدخول عن طريق الدعوة فقط.

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اخبار لبنان

»سياسة» صحيفة الجمهورية»

Al Joumhouria” News Summary”

صحيفة الجمهورية

نشر بتاريخ:  الأربعاء ١٥ أيار ٢٠٢٤ - ٢٣:٢٢

Al Joumhouria News Summary

Al Joumhouria” News Summary”

اخبار لبنان

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صحيفة الجمهورية

نشر بتاريخ:  ١٥ أيار ٢٠٢٤ 

The House of Representatives, in a session dedicated to discussing the European grant of one billion euros and the issue of Syrian refugees, approved a recommendation consisting of nine points in the presence of the government and its head regarding the mechanism for addressing the refugee crisis and its repercussions.

The recommendation emphasized the necessity for 'the government to adhere to the stance announced by its head and conveyed to the countries and entities involved in the refugee file, stating that Lebanon can no longer bear the burden of the refugees stay and cannot act as a border police for any country. Cooperation from all countries is required to solve this dilemma and redirect support towards facilitating the refugees return and ensuring their stability in their own country, along with providing the necessary living conditions.'

Prime Minister Mikati confirmed that 'the solution to the Syrian refugee issue lies in full agreement among the Lebanese and the European aid to Lebanon is unconditional.'

In the south, where the frontline is ablaze amidst continuing Israeli shelling and Hezbollahs targeting of military bases and surveillance systems, Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib noted from Manama that 'a ceasefire in Lebanon paves the way for seeking permanent stability.'

Regionally, Israeli War Minister Benny Gantz attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stating that 'Israel needs soldiers, not political maneuvers that tear the nation apart during wartime.'

Additionally, Israel adopted a decision rejecting the UN General Assemblys resolution granting Palestine more rights and authorities at the United Nations.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asserted that 'if Israel is not stopped, it will sooner or later aspire to Anatolian territories,' describing Hamas as 'the first line of defense for Anatolia in Gaza.'

In a statement, the European Union called on Israel to 'immediately' end its military operation in Rafah in southern Gaza, warning that failure to do so would undermine relations with the bloc.

On the fierce combat front of the Russia-Ukraine war, the U.S. Secretary of State indicated that 'if Putin shows any serious willingness to negotiate, I am sure the Ukrainians will respond to that.'

In a recent development, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and hospitalized in a 'life-threatening condition' after a government meeting in the central town of Handlova, according to local media.

Economically, the International Energy Agency lowered its forecast for global oil demand growth this year, pointing to a decline in demand in OECD countries and slow global development in the first quarter of the year.

صحيفة الجمهورية
صحيفة الجمهورية - ​أخبار لبنان والعالم بين يديك. أخبار محلية، أخبار إقتصادية، أخبار عالمية، أخبار رياضية، صحة، وجمال.
صحيفة الجمهورية

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حزب الله يُشيّع الشهيد السعيد على طريق القدس المجاهد محمد شوقي شقير في بلدة الغازية

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