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Apple s Vision Pro VR headset will feature Disney and more than 100 games at launch - ae
Apple s Vision Pro VR headset will feature Disney and more than 100 games at launch

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Apple’s Vision Pro VR Headset Will Feature Disney+ And More Than 100 Games At Launch

Apple s Vision Pro VR headset will feature Disney and more than 100 games at launch
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Apple s Vision Pro VR headset will feature Disney and more than 100 games at launch

Apple’s Vision Pro VR headset will feature Disney+ and more than 100 games at launch

Uae News

Klyoum.com - thenationalnews

Disney chief executive Bob Iger has announced that streaming service Disney+ will be available to watch on Apple’s new virtual reality headset when it launches next year.

The announcement was made on Monday at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in Cupertino, California.

The new product from Apple will allow users to become more immersed in the shows and movies they watch on Disney+ as they experience a thematic virtual reality environment.

An example of the new technology displayed at the event was a demo shown from a users point of view, being in the centre of action, while looking around and experiencing a 360º view of their surroundings.

For example, footage was shown of what it would be like to watch Disney’s popular show The Mandalorian – the user is placed on a vehicle moving through the desert planet Tatooine.

Also announced at the conference is that there will be more than 100 Apple arcade games to play, though no specific existing VR game titles were mentioned.

Users will also be able to connect their Vision Pro headset to any Apple device that can play games and experience them in a different light. For example, with popular battle royale game Fortnite, the player can get closer to the gaming action by using the VR headset.

Video game director Hideo Kojima, known for the Metal Gear series, made an appearance during the event to announce that his hit game Death Stranding will be supported on Mac devices and playable through the VR headset.

Vision Pro will be available in the US early next year – though the exact date has yet to be announced – and will be priced from $3,499.

The headset is the latest of Apple’s “next big things” – a groundbreaking new product that can help the tech giant to maintain sales.

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