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NH s mobile vaccination clinics, home program ending - ae
NH s mobile vaccination clinics, home program ending

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NH’s Mobile Vaccination Clinics, Home Program Ending

NH s mobile vaccination clinics, home program ending
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NH s mobile vaccination clinics, home program ending

NH’s mobile vaccination clinics, home program ending

Uae News

Klyoum.com - apnews

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The state-managed COVID-19 mobile vaccination clinics and homebased vaccination program are ending, to coincide with the end of federal funding, New Hampshire officials said Thursday.

The clinics began in July 2021 with one mobile vaccination van, and eventually increased to seven teams. Over 700 vaccination clinics were hosted and 37,000 doses were administered through the program.

The vaccine and booster doses are still available through provider offices, urgent care centers and pharmacies.

The homebased program resumed in October and provided more than 2,100 doses to residents. Homebound individuals who need a COVID-19 vaccine or booster can still reach out to their local Visiting Nurses Association.

Also, New Hampshire’s 2-1-1 informational and referral call center will no longer triage calls for COVID-19 and instead refer callers with those inquiries to their primary care provider or to other resources.

If additional vaccine resources are needed again in the future, “the state will mobilize to fill gaps,” Patricia Tilley, director of the state’s division of public health services, said in a news release.


AP News



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