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 It s super sweet , says Schauffele as the putt of his life helps add major silverware to his Olympic gold - ae
It s super sweet , says Schauffele as the putt of his life helps add major silverware to his Olympic gold

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‘It’s Super Sweet’, Says Schauffele As The Putt Of His Life Helps Add Major Silverware To His Olympic Gold

 It s super sweet , says Schauffele as the putt of his life helps add major silverware to his Olympic gold
timesPublished on:
 It s super sweet , says Schauffele as the putt of his life helps add major silverware to his Olympic gold

‘It’s super sweet’, says Schauffele as the putt of his life helps add major silverware to his Olympic gold

Uae News

Klyoum.com - khaleejtimes

‘It’s super sweet’, says Schauffele as the putt of his life helps add major silverware to his Olympic gold

The American birdies the 18th for a one-shot victory over LIV Golfs DeChambeau to reach a career-best second spot in the world rankings

By Reuters

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