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US-Best-Sellers-Books-USAToday - ae

منذ ٠ ثانية

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لايف ستايل


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1. “The Summer I Turned Pretty” by Jenny Han (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)

2. “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

3. “It’s Not Summer Without You” by Jenny Han (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)

4. “We’ll Always Have Summer” by Jenny Han (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)

5. “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover (Atria Books)

6. “Verity” by Colleen Hoover (Grand Central Publishing)

7. “The Hotel Nantucket” by Elin Hilderbrand (Little, Brown)

8. “Ugly Love” by Colleen Hoover (Atria Books)

9. “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid (Washington Square Press)

10. “Reminders of Him” by Colleen Hoover (Avery)

11. “Jujutsu Kaisen, Vol. 16” by Gege Akutami (Viz)

12. “Sparring Partners” by John Grisham (Doubleday)

13. “Book Lovers” by Emily Henry (Berkley)

14. “The House Across the Lake” by Riley Sager (Dutton)

15. “November 9” by Colleen Hoover (Atria Books)

16. “Battle for the American Mind” by Pete Hegseth with David Goodwin (Broadside Books)

17. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear (Avery)

18. “Escape” by James Patterson and David Ellis (Little, Brown)

19. “People We Meet on Vacation” by Emily Henry (Berkley)

20. “Every Summer After” by Carley Fortune (Berkley)

21. “All Your Perfects” by Colleen Hoover (Atria Books)

22. “Things We Never Got Over” by Lucy Score (That’s What She Said)

23. “Beach Read” by Emily Henry (Berkley)

24. “Dragon Teeth” by Michael Crichton (Harper)

25. “An Immense World” by Ed Yong (Random House)


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