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Dubai s MICE sector grows 25 while events industry clocks Dh165 billion in 2023 - ae
Dubai s MICE sector grows 25 while events industry clocks Dh165 billion in 2023

منذ ٠ ثانية

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Dubai’s MICE Sector Grows 25% While Events Industry Clocks Dh165 Billion In 2023

Dubai s MICE sector grows 25 while events industry clocks Dh165 billion in 2023
timesPublished on:
Dubai s MICE sector grows 25 while events industry clocks Dh165 billion in 2023

Dubai’s MICE sector grows 25% while events industry clocks Dh165 billion in 2023

Uae News

Klyoum.com - khaleejtimes

Dubai’s MICE sector grows 25% while events industry clocks Dh165 billion in 2023

Dubai’s exhibitions, conferences, seminars and business events sector has recorded a 25%

A Staff Reporter

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