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UAE announces Eid Al Adha private sector holidays - ae
UAE announces Eid Al Adha private sector holidays

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UAE Announces Eid Al Adha Private Sector Holidays

UAE announces Eid Al Adha private sector holidays
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UAE announces Eid Al Adha private sector holidays

UAE announces Eid Al Adha private sector holidays

Uae News

Klyoum.com - thenationalnews

UAE workers in the private sector will have the same number of days off as public sector employees to celebrate Eid Al Adha.

This year, private companies employees will be off from Friday, July 8 through Monday, July 11.

Work will resume on Tuesday, July 12, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation said.

The holiday dates for the public sector were announced earlier on Thursday.

Eid Al Adha, known as the festival of the sacrifice, will begin on Saturday, July 9.

The Dhu Al Hijja crescent moon was sighted on Wednesday evening by Saudi Arabia’s Tumair Observatory, according to the kingdoms Supreme Court.

The sighting of the Moon marks the beginning of the Dhu Al Hijja Islamic month in which the Hajj pilgrimage is performed, followed by Eid Al Adha, which begins on the 10th day of the month.

This year, Eid Al Adha falls shortly after schools close for the summer holidays and airlines anticipate hundreds of thousands of people travelling during that period.

Eid Al Adha means “festival of the sacrifice”. It coincides with the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah, which all Muslims are required to make at least once in their lives if able to do so.

The sacrifice the holiday commemorates is explained in the Quran, which tells of how the Prophet Ibrahim was asked by God in a dream to sacrifice his son, Ismail, as a test of his faith.

Ibrahim dismissed the dream at first, but it recurred several nights in a row.

He grappled with the decision but ultimately decided to fulfil God’s command, even though the Devil tried to dissuade him. Ibrahim threw rocks at the Devil in response and pilgrims at Hajj re-enact this by throwing stones at symbolic pillars.

The worshippers pelt three walls in one of a series of rituals that must be performed by those who make the journey.

Just as Ibrahim was about to carry out the command, God replaced his son with a goat and told him to sacrifice the animal instead.

Muslims now celebrate the holiday by eating the meat of a sacrificed animal.

Eid Al Adha, the festival of the sacrifice — in pictures

It was a busy day at the Abu Dhabi Livestock Market in the run-up to Eid Al Adha.

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